Quinq Club

alumni with chancellor at 50-year reunion


Since its first meeting in the spring of 1973, the Quinq Club gathers three times a year to fondly look back at the past, rekindle longtime friendships and learn about TCU today and tomorrow. Members strengthen relationships and celebrate being longtime "comrades true." Membership is automatic for anyone who has celebrated 50-years post-graduation from TCU.

Learn from our members

Elizabeth Barlow, 102, recently shared her experiences at TCU from 1933-36 on the Frog for Life Podcast. You can listen to the episode below.



Quinq visit with Neeley Leadership Program


Fort Worth, Texas

Pilot project Quinq visit with Neeley Leadership Program

5:00 PM
6:00 PM

Quinq Club Contact

Brooke Shuman

If you would like more information, please contact Brooke Shuman.

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TCU Alumni