Mike and Deana are the translators who imagine our chapter’s visions and in turn, make them reality. This pair brings both excitement and compassion that is contagious, all while cheering on our Frogs. Whether it’s equestrian or diving, the combination of these Lettermen have a passion for all TCU athletics, making them THE dynamic duo of the year. Mike, who lettered in football, is our cheerleader, who is constantly keeping fellow frogs and Lettermen in the loop on all Houston events. Equally in her contributions, Deana, who lettered in women’s basketball has a smile and positive attitude that lights up Minute Maid Park each time she is invited on the field! If Mike’s the cheerleader, Deana is the megaphone, as she is able to roar above any TCU fan!
They both contribute in so many way, from setting up and breaking down at all alumni events, to making sure everyone is accounted for at the check-in table, helping to make the Houston Chapter and its 5,000 alumni run smoothly!
>> Make a nomination for the 2017 Chapter Awards