Professional Networking


The TCU Alumni Association strives to provide professional development resources and opportunities for all alumni and students. We believe in Frogs helping Frogs - whether you are just starting out, looking to making a career transition, or seeking to grow as a professional.

Horned Frogs Connect
Join the official networking platform for all TCU students and alumni. Frogs helping Frogs.

Career Webinars
Access a library of webinars created specifically for TCU alumni.

Alumni Career Consultations
Schedule an appointment with our TCU Alumni Career Consultant to discuss resumes, job searches, interviews, job offers and more.

Texas Christian University Alumni Group LinkedIn
Join the official TCU Alumni Group on LinkedIn.

Frog for Life Podcast
Listen to stories of alumni who are leveraging their TCU experience to make a meaningful difference in the world around them. Subscribe today on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, and many more.

Job Listings
Whether you are looking for a job or want to hire a Frog, you can do it all on Horned Frogs Connect. Log in today to explore and share.

Quick Career Question?
Have a quick question for our Career Consultant? Submit it using this form.


March 12 Dallas Young Alumni Happy Hour Dallas, TX
Join the TCU Dallas Young Alumni for a festive St. Patrick’s Day happy hour at the Skellig!
March 27 Fort Worth Young Alumni Hoppin Happy Hour Fort Worth, TX
Join Fort Worth Young Alumni for monthly happy hour at Hoppin'!
April 5 Denver Ski Event Winter Park, CO
Join the TCU Denver Alumni Association for a ski day at Winter Park.
April 9 Quinq Club Road Trip to Winstar Fort Worth, TX
Quinq Club Road Trip to Winstar Casino.
April 12 Dallas Animal Service Furtography Dallas, TX
Join us at Dallas Animal Services for a fun indoor volunteer opportunity that pairs photography with purpose.
May 9-10 Class of 1975 50-Year Reunion Fort Worth, TX
Calling all Frogs from 1975 - Don’t miss out on this TCU tradition!