2019 Rock the Rec

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2019 Tweens Rock the Rec

Date Icon Date:
Friday, February 22
$15* per tween (ages 8-12)

Includes admission, pizza, snacks, and drink.
Time Icon time:
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.            
Location Icon LOCATION:
University Recreation Center
3005 Stadium Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76109 | Map

Please enter through the west entrance off Stadium Drive to check in your child and present the printed and signed waiver.
This event is limited to tweens of TCU ALUMNI ONLY. Each registered TCU tween may bring ONE guest. Each guest is also $15.00

Children must be 8-12 years old.

Please print and sign the waiver here.
*No part of this payment is tax-deductible